*In-person Bangkok Workshops: please visit my IG: NalineeDiosara


Join us as we journey inwardly with Mama Cacao (*Cacao is optional) and Shamanic sounds; welcoming and opening up for the mysterious and transformative energy of Yin Snake Year.

We will hold space for one another with Spirit of love and gratitude that Cacao offers as well as powerful sounds from Kelly Nicholson Michael Graham Macdougall and Nalinee Diosara

This gathering is via zoom live, recording will also be provided.

🌏2nd Feb. 2025

19.30 Thaiand

7.30 am EST

Duration 2 hrs

Zoom live, recording is provided

*Check your time zone

*Cacao is optional.


Exchange: Sliding Scale, Pay what you can from:


$15 – $44 USD via PayPal nalinee14@windowslive.com

Once you have sent the payment, please notify me via email soulconnectionsnalinee@gmail.com


or 600 – 1500 Thai Baht for Thai bank transfer

email soulconnectionsnalinee@gmail.com

What to expect:
Invoking Cacao
Shamanic sounds
Sharing circle which includes story of this project.

What you need:
Zoom app if joining us live
Prepare Cacao if you are drinking before we start
Prepare your sacred space before we start

Please DM me if you would like to join us

Or you can also support them directly through their website, link in my Linktree πŸ‘†πŸ’—

Much love


If you are interested in a Private One-on-One Ceremonyplease visit this linkPrivate Online Ceremony or Bangkok Ceremony


The core objectiveof this online group ceremony is to assist one another with love and support in releasing heaviness and anchoring presence of love, clarity, and gratitude into our beings and lands.

Online Ceremony will be held via Zoom meeting.

*If you are looking for More Intimate, Deeper Journeyand Healingwith Mama Cacao, please check out Private Online Cacao Ceremony 

and Private Cacao Ceremony Bangkok


What is Cacao Ceremony?

Here I offer supportive and meditative space to go inwards engaging with the voice of higher self through the spirit of mama Cacao. 

Ceremonial grade Cacao has medicinal properties in relaxation, clarity, blissful feelings and love. Spirit of Cacao invites us into the place of our hearts. Meeting and embracing all that we are which including suppressed emotions. Not only that Mama Cacao reminds us of gratitude and harmony. She also helps us in birthing new ideas, inspirations and guidance for us to embrace our new self and chapters. Here is a safe, supporting and loving space for you to go into this journey.

There is no magic pill. When working with plant medicines/ teachers, we are the one who is doing the work in integrating and transforming. Plants take us inwards and reflect us of who we are. It is up to us to do the work and walk the path. When we take actions, we shift too in our physical realities. 



Preparing for Cacao Ceremony:

*Have a light meal at least an hour before, avoid dairy. 

*No alcohol on that day.

*Stay hydrated.

*Prep your sacred space! Have your journal next to you. This is your β€œMe Time!”


*Cacao can increase heart rate, thus those with heart conditions are recommended to start with a low dose. 

*If you are taking any SSRI medication, consume very small amount of Cacao. High Consumption of Cacao and SSRI can cause migraine. 

Join & Register:

*If you are sensitive to migraine, start with a very low dose. Cacao can increase serotonin in the brain as well as trigger migraine symptom. 


How to Prepare Your Own Cup of Cacao:

*Channel love and gratitude into your brewing process 

  • Chopped your Cacao according to the amount that you wish (28 grams is a good dose to start)

  • Bring a cup of water into a boil

  • Turn off the heat and add chopped Cacao

  • Whisk until smooth 

  • Optional – add Cinnamon, Cayenne or your choice of spices
